IARIW Member Directory
To search through our member directory, you can either click on the first letter of the last name of the member whose infromation you'd like to see, or alternatively you can search our member list by last name, first name, city, country or affiliated institution.

Last NameFirst NameInstitutionCityCountry
PabiloniaSabrinaU.S. Bureau of StatisticsWashingtonUSA
PalmisanoFlavianaSapienza University of RomeRomeItalia
PapkovaLiudmilaNational Statistical Committee the Republic of BelarusMinskRepublic of Belarus
ParkerRobertWashington Statistical SocietyChevy ChaseUnited States
PashaYasharState Statistical Committee of the Republic of AzerbaijanBakuAzerbaijan
PatraM.D.Reserve Bank of IndiaMumbaiIndia
PatseevaOlgaNational Statistical Committee of the Republic of BelarusMinskRepublic of Belarus
PaulusAlariUniversity of EssexColchesterUnited Kingdom
PedersenPederAarhus UniversityVejleDenmark
PeraliFedericoUniversity of Verona, ItalyVeronaItaly
PetersonGregStatistics CanadaOttawaCanada
PhanPhucCan Tho UniversityCan ThoViet Nam
PilatDirkOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)ParisFrance
PintérAndrasHungarian Central Statistical OfficeBudapestHungary
PittauMaria GraziaSapienza University of RomeRomeItaly
PkvKishanInstitute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA)AnandIndia
PopovaOlgaLeibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS)RegensburgGermany
PoyntnerPhilippVienna University of Economics and BusinessViennaAustria
Prados de la EscosuraLeandroUniversidad Carlos III de MadridMadridSpain
PrelipceanGabrielaStefan cel Mare UniversitySuceavaRomania

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