IARIW Member Directory
To search through our member directory, you can either click on the first letter of the last name of the member whose infromation you'd like to see, or alternatively you can search our member list by last name, first name, city, country or affiliated institution.

Last NameFirst NameInstitutionCityCountry
Gadufia KodzoSaltpond Packaging Manufacturing Company Ghana Limited Saltpond Ghana
GalbraithJamesThe University of Texas at AustinAustinUnited States
GaoQinColumbia UniversityForest HillsUSA
GarnerThesiaBureau of Labour StatisticsWashingtonUnited States
GassmannFranziskaMaastricht UniversityMaastrichtNetherlands
GeneralDirectorStatistics AustriaGuglgasseAustria
GhosalRatanUniversity of CalcuttaUttarparaIndia
GhoshKanchanaIndian Association for Research in National Income and WealthNew DelhiIndia
GibsonJohnUniversity of WaikatoHamiltonNew Zealand
GimpelsonVladimirNational Research University Higher School of EconomicsMoscowRussia
GironCelestinoEuropean Central BankFrankfurt am MainGermany
GittlemanMauryBureau of Labor StatisticsWashingtonUnited States
GiwaFiyinfoluwaNorth-west UniversityMmabathoSouth Africa
GojevicMarijaCentre Bureau of StatisticsDugo SeloCroatia
GordonNancyU.S. Census BureauChevy ChaseUnited States
GordonRobertNorthwestern UniversityEvanstonUnited States
GornickJanetLuxembourg Income StudyNew YorkUnited States
GravelinesLaurieGovernment of the Northwest TerritoriesYellowknifeCanada
GriceJoeOffice for National StatisticsNewport, WalesUnited Kingdom
GriffithsWilliamUniversity of MelbourneMelbourneAustralia
GrimesArthurMotu Economic and Public Policy ResearchWellingtonNew Zealand

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