Update on IARIW Activities-August 11, 2008
Preparations for the 30th IARIW General Conference in Portoroz,
Slovenia August 24-30 are almost complete. With over 250 persons
already registered, the conference will likely set a record for
On-line Availability of Papers for the 30th IARIW General Conference.
It has long been an IARIW tradition to distribute by mail conference
papers before the conference to allow participants the opportunity to
read them. It was felt that this availability improved the quality of
the discussion at the conference. The internet now allows up to make
papers available at no virtually cost before the conference not just
to those attending the conference, but to all members, and indeed to
the general public. I am pleased to announce that papers for the
upcoming 30th IARIW General Conference to be held in Portoroz,
Slovenia August 24-30 are now posted at
http://www.iariw.org/c2008.asp. I hope that many conference
participants will have an opportunity to read papers of interest
before the conference and to relate their comments to the authors at
the conference.
Council Election
Members are reminded that the deadline for receipt of ballots for the
election of Council members for the 2008-2014 term is 5 PM EST August
15. If you are uncertain whether you have voted, or want to verify
that your ballot was recorded, a list of members who have cast their
ballot by August 9 is posted at http://www.iariw.org/votes.asp. The
ballot is attached for members who have not voted and wish to vote.
Annual Membership Meeting
As previously noted, the annual membership of the
Association will take place at 20:30 on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at
the 30th IARIW General Conference in Portoroz, Slovenia. The agenda
for the meeting is posted at www.iariw.org/agenda2008.pdf.
Session proposals for 2010 General Conference
Members are reminded that session proposals for the 31th IARIW General
Conference which will take place in Switzerland in August 2010 are now
being received by the secretariat (info@iariw.org) and will continue
to be received until noon on Tuesday, August 26. These proposals will
be distributed and discussed at the members meeting.
Review of Income and Wealth Editorial Team
The International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
(IARIW) wishes to appoint an editorial team for the Review of Income
and Wealth (RIW) for a five-year term starting from August, 2009,
which is when the current editorial contract expires. A call for
applications is posted at www.iariw.org/callforapplications.pdf. This
document provides information about the RIW, the roles and duties of
the editorial team, other related information, and details of the
application process.
I look forward to seeing many members in two weeks on the Adriatic
coast in Slovenia!